Kandy Botanical Gardens
These spectacular gardens were once reserved exclusively for Kandyan royalty (and are also referred to as the Royal Botanical Garden) and are most often talked about for a collection of 300 species of orchids. Today, even commoners and us tourists are allowed to wander those 60 hectares of land, and while the orchids are lovely, there is so much more that these gorgeous grounds contain.
It is impossibly peaceful there. We walk among ginormous bamboo from Burma, palm trees from everywhere, and hop over an actual rainbow spectrum of grasses in the grass library. There is a herb garden, massive lawns, and trees that are howling out to be shade for an afternoon nap.

What’s lovely is couples, undisturbed couples lazing in the sun, lying down, their heads resting in the laps of their lovers. In the cactus garden we saw one couple swaying together, dancing to music that only they could hear, and we quietened our chatter so they could continue undisturbed.
Go on a nice day and just spend a whole afternoon under the shade of a tree. Don’t take snacks, the monkeys will have it, but do take a book, a sunhat, and a bottle of water.

The next chapter of this journey here.