Show & Tell
Our Treehouse (the name we’ve given our green-canopied workspace) is a haven doused in natural light. You’ll see our marketing team seated at the farthest end, a crew that works extensively with almost every other in the studio. They’re always on the move, and so it’s no surprise that travel (whether for work or pleasure) is what makes this team tick. As they spend their days on the road, their vehicles are their best travel companions, and reflect their personalities in more ways than we’d imagined. Sambhav Raj | Retail Marketing Manager
Sambhav is a man of few words, but he expresses himself loud and clear through the clothes he wears and the Vespa he rides in to work. His role takes him to Nicobars’ seven stores across the country often. “The best thing about travelling on work is that I never need to take leave and it’s so much easier on my budget, so every chance I get to travel, I jump at,” he told us. We caught up with Sambhav for a little peek into his daily routine, a side project that’s almost set to launch, and for those all-essential travel tips. „I enjoy venturing out early in the mornings -- I’m fascinated by sunrises -- with my camera, to capture empty roads and spaces that look so different from when they’re choc-a-bloc with people and activity.„Tell us a little about your days.
I think of myself as a creative being who happens to have a logical side to him, which is why I thought marketing and brand were a good fit for me as they bring those two aspects of my personality together.
I’m a morning person. I enjoy waking up early and dressing up. My mornings are my me-time, especially the hour spent riding my Vespa to work. My regular day comprises of eight hours of work after which I head home, hit the gym, and catch up with friends and family. Bollywood dance classes are part of my gym routine twice a week, after the weightlifting I indulge in just so I put on some weight and tone my body.
You travel a lot, on work and play?
My primary reason to travel is for photography, plus I love my country for its diversity so that’s what I want to do on my travels; document the country. So if work takes me to these places, it’s perfect.
What do you do when you're not at work?
My hobbies include photography and design. Design comprises a lot of things — art and crafts which has been a large part of my life since childhood, but I lost touch because of all the studying I did. As of now, by design I mean illustrations, or freelance graphic design projects like the last one I did which was a project with Jyotir Aditya Scindia on Chanderi (the fabric and a town in MP), for Amazon India Fashion Week. I went to chanderi, discovered the art of the weave, photographed it, and made a booklet. I enjoy projects like these.
Other than that I like to leverage my skills to do something social but because I’m not the typical NGO sort of person, I enjoy social entrepreneurship — something that empowers an individual with a skill. One social entrepreneur project I’m currently working on is the Blind Bind Book with The Blind School. We’re designing a regular 100 page diary that can be used by anyone. These diaries are bound by the blind at The Blind School, who’re trained at binding. While furthering their skills, a parallel objective to this is braille awareness. The diary itself will have one page of the Braille alphabet, and the design is entirely based on braille. A part of the proceeds go to The Blind School.

Definitely road travel, and within that it’s various different forms. Within a ride, I’d rather mix things up like hitchhike — flit from a jeep to a scooter to a bike. In this way I’d get to meet people and get to explore the pace of different sorts of travel. The road keeps you connected. With trains and flights, I feel you’re bound to it. You travel at your own pace on the road; you can stop when you like, and you’re always connected.
Your top travel advice?
Making notes, whether it’s about the place, people, routes, or even your expenses. It helps with an exchange of information with other people in the future.
I’m a very planned traveller. I organise things a lot before every trip. On the trip, I’m often connected on social media, in that I post anecdotes or photographs regularly. This facilitates for an exchange of knowledge, reviews, and suggestions. People often like to be disconnected on their travels, I generally like to be connected at all times.
Making notes and being connected allows for knowledge to be shared first-hand, instead of having to read things off the internet. Being connected doesn’t mean you’re diluting the experience or your travel. Being disconnected is more about cutting off from work, or from responsibilities, but staying connected to things that you like. In Sambhav’s Vespa:
Sort sack
Anchor keychain with keys
A yellow raincoat
A change of socks, clothes, and shoes for the gym
A gadget scroll
Shoe sack
Camera + lenses
Orbit chewing gum
A nail cutter (a perennial on Sambhav)
The Economic Times (another perennial on Sambhav)