It’s cocoon time
Staying in bed isn’t revolutionary (unless you’re John and Yoko circa 1960), but we’re protesting to-do lists, errands, schedules, and generally being outdoors. To really set the vibe, use Lennon’s Give Peace a Chance as your soundtrack. Voila, revolutionary. We’re pretty sure you’ll appreciate 12 (or 24) hours in bed with a side of tea, books, and a dollop of daydreaming, so here’s our dream setup.
We layered, from a soft floor mattress up. White is always lovely, but we wanted to offset our chevron print duvet on a bed of delicious charcoal, made of soft organic cotton, and picked out with the merest whisper of lime in its edging. Our Ele Palm sham lends itself beautifully to daytime lounging, and we paired that with our delightfully cosy khadi throw. Accessorise with endless cups of tea. Find more of our super soft bedding here.