At the table with La Bodega

Favorite host/hostess gift to give:
A nice bottle of wine.
And to receive:
Fresh flowers.
To get myself in the party mood, I always:
Listen to music and drink a glass of wine.
Easiest impress-your-guests recipe in your arsenal?:
Everything Mexican.
One must-have kitchen tool:
A good Japanese kitchen knife.
The taste I couldn't live without:
French Cheese and everything made with avocados.
Daily uniform:
Things that are light, airy, and comfortable.
Your style and design influences:
Classic and understated. People around us and our travels.
Your favorite online design resources:
Border and Fall.
Neeti and Smriti shared four classic recipes with us. Find two fuss-free dips here and two insanely good (and just as easy) cocktails here.
For more information on La Bodega, visit their Facebook page.